Freitag, 31 Januar 2025

ImpactNexus: Making sustainable finance smart and easy


ImpactNexus successfully completes first funding round
Targeting venture capital and private equity portfolio managers, ImpactNexus offers solutions for efficient sustainability management

Berlin, October 26, 2022 –, a solution provider for sustainability reporting and impact management, announced that it has closed its first funding round, raising EUR 800K. This will allow the company to fully pursue its growth objectives for 2023.

ImpactNexus is initially targeting venture capital and private equity portfolio managers, who are currently facing a major challenge: The EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) requires financial product providers to submit, for the first time by June 2023, an annual report on the extent to which they include sustainability in their decision-making processes for their financial products and the impact this has on the environment, climate, and society. And the more a fund is focused on sustainability, the higher the reporting requirements – leading to high costs and effort for many providers, and there is often a lack of know-how and effective data flow between the various stakeholders in their portfolio.

10x less time and costs to achieve sustainability goals

This is where ImpactNexus comes in. The declared goal of ImpactNexus is to reduce the time and costs for sustainability reporting and optimization measures by a factor of 10. To this end, ImpactNexus develops innovative software-as-a-service solutions with an experienced team of sustainability experts, software developers, and data scientists.

This includes, for example, the ability to query sustainability data from portfolio companies with just a few clicks and to generate SFDR reports following the official guidelines of the European Commission. At the heart of this is the growing NEXUS database, which makes it possible to automatically evaluate portfolio companies‘ sustainability impact and provides tailor-made suggestions for optimization.

„With our digital solution, fund managers can assess the social and environmental impact of their portfolios and efficiently report to their various stakeholders while optimizing sustainability performance,“ says Dr. Jannic Horne, CEO of ImpactNexus.

Vision: Sustainability management for medium-sized companies

In the medium term, ImpactNexus also sees medium-sized companies as a target group, since they suffer strongly from the lack of sustainability consultants. Here, access to the NEXUS database offers an efficient, digital way to optimize their sustainability performance. The capital from the financing round will be used to further finance product development. Investors such as Vireo Ventures, the investor network encourageventures, and other business angels as well as donor organizations took part in the round. Jรถrg Walden is an investor and advisor to ImpactNexus. He has founded companies in the context of compliance and sustainability reporting and optimization, including iPoint and CircularTree.

Regarding his investment in ImpactNexus, he says: „The future belongs entirely to companies that act in a sustainable, i.e., climate-neutral and circular economy manner. With its database and software solutions, ImpactNexus offers an important building block for achieving sustainability goals faster.“


About the investors and the network

Jรถrg Walden is a serial entrepreneur and founder of iPoint-systems und CircularTree. His experience and expertise in the technology industry, software development and business management now span 30 years. He is driven by how today’s solutions can help ensure a sustainable world for future generations. He also seeks and supports answers as an investor and advisor.

Vireo Ventures is an early-stage investor that invests in start-ups in the fields of energy, mobility and livable cities. For more information:

die Wirkstรคtten GmbH is an ESG impact investor led by Marcus Schaper who was a McKinsey partner and an energy CIO before becoming a business angel and senior advisor, focusing on DeepTech and Energy startups.

encourageventures supports founders and young entrepreneurs with knowledge, creativity, capital and a strong network so that they have the opportunity to grow faster and more successfully. From within the network, ImpactNexus is supported by Ina Schlie, Dr. Andrea Rรถsinger and Olga Kaus. For more information:

Dos Angeles Capital: A Berlin Business Angel Partnership – we practice active, value-add investing in early-stage startups by pooling expertise and capital. For more information:

Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK): ImpactNexus receives funding within the framework of the National Climate Initiative (NKI) as well as the EXIST start-up grant.

TechFounders Accelerator creates exchange between innovative startups and corporate partners. ImpactNexus has successfully participated in the TechFounders Accelerator and is part of the UnternehmerTUM network. Corporate partner in the program is DATEV eG.

Borderstep Institute for innovation and sustainability: The institute analyzes solutions for sustainable entrepreneurship and develops future-oriented strategies for companies, founders, associations and politics. ImpactNexus was developed in close cooperation with the institute as a spin-off. Founder and director of the institute, Prof. Dr. Klaus Fichter supports the project as an advisor. For more information:

About ImpactNexus:

ImpactNexus, founded in 2021, provides venture capital and private equity portfolio companies and their investors with solutions and advisory services to help them comply with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) reporting requirements and improve their sustainability impact. The company’s assessment and reporting solutions are highly automated via an AI-based impact database and provide customers with tailor-made improvement suggestions for measures, materials or processes.

Venture capital funds and accelerators are already using ImpactNexus solutions. The founding team of four consists of Dr. Jannic Horne, Dr. Constanze Trautwein, Marie-Sophie Litz and Alexander Schabel. They are supported by a team of eight and a strong network from research and business. For more information:

ImpactNexus GmbH
Alexander Schabel
MethfesselstraรŸe 43
10965 Berlin
+49 (0)179 1450418

Storymaker GmbH
Mara Ebinger
Derendinger Str. 50
72072 Tรผbingen
07071 938720

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